中心首頁 / 成果 / 中心技術報告 / NCREE-2019-012



時間 2019-10-31
標題 Development of Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Taiwan Subduction - Zone Earthquakes
作者 [Van-Bang Phung] [Chin-Hsiung Loh] [趙書賢] [Norm Abrahamson]
摘要 A ground motion prediction equation (GMPE) is presented for computing medians and standard deviations of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and 5% damped damping ratio for periods between 0.01 and 5 seconds to be used in PSHA and engineering application in Taiwan. An integrated strong motion dataset made up of two subduction earthquakes regions were selected from 3314 recordings from Taiwan with M4.5 to M7.12 and 3376 recordings from Japan with M6.5 to M9.13. This data set was then used to analyze the function form provided by Abrahamson et al. (2016) to find the key modeling parameters needed to generate the function form model for Taiwan subduction zone earthquake. The proposed model represents the extrapolation behaviors associated with large magnitude scaling and the near source scaling terms; both of which were developed by using a joint Taiwan-Japan regression data set. The distance attenuation and site effects were developed specifically for the Taiwan region. The site effects are based on two parameters; the average shear wave velocity at the top 30 m depth (Vs30) and the depth-to-the-shear wave velocity horizon of 1.0 km/sec (Z1.0).
關鍵字 Ground Motion Prediction Equation