中心首頁 / 成果 / 中心技術報告 / NCREE-2023-008



時間 2023-05-17
標題 國震中心地震應變與勘災指引
作者 [周中哲] [吳俊霖] [柴駿甫] [姚昭智]
摘要 Taiwan is located on the collision convergence boundary between the Eurasian continental plate and the Philippine Sea plate. It is a region of high seismic activity and large-scale disastrous earthquakes could occur at any time. How to prevent and reduce the impact of earthquake disasters is a crucial issue for Taiwan. The National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) of the National Applied Research Laboratories is the central disaster response center for earthquake disaster support. During an earthquake, the professional expertise of NCREE is used to plan emergency response operations for earthquake disasters. When a major earthquake disaster occurs, NCREE performs the analysis and assessment of the earthquake disaster and makes recommendations for relevant decision-making measures. The on-site disaster reconnaissance operation is a crucial part of this post-earthquake response. Through on-the-spot surveys conducted by professionals at various disaster locations, detailed data can be recorded in order to evaluate the causes and severity of the disaster, this data can then be used as a reference for the public and disaster relief agencies. The collected disaster reconnaissance data is also essential for future research and development of earthquake engineering technology. Due to the differing nature of specific earthquake disasters, the response team has comprehensively updated the contents, forms, and procedures of various types of disaster reconnaissance. Through the use of a cloud folder, the on-site disaster reconnaissance data can be returned in real time, and the earthquake disaster assessment information based on the on-site professional survey can be quickly provided. This manual is a collection of survey questionnaires and technical descriptions covering six major types of earthquake hazards, including earth science, geotechnical engineering, buildings, bridges, seismic isolation buildings, and non-structural objects, so that the response personnel, including NCREE colleagues and the cooperating units of the disaster reconnaissance team, follow a prescribed set of procedures to ensure the effectiveness and safety of disaster reconnaissance on site.
關鍵字 reconnaissance, earthquake, guideline