中心首頁 / 成果 / 中心技術報告 / NCREE-1999-013



時間 1999-07-01
標題 Empirical Models for Estimating Site-Dependent Design Input Ground Motion in Taiwan Region
作者 [Vladimir Sokolov] [羅俊雄] [溫國樑]
摘要 The design of buildings and structures in earthquake prone regions must be based on information relating to expected seismic effects expressed in terms of time domain quantities (maximum amplitudes of ground motion, periods, and duration) and spectral quantities (Response and Design spectra). Design of some critical facilities also requires a time function of ground acceleration. Estimation of time domain and spectral parameters of ground motion are obtained either by empirical relations that connect these to earthquake magnitude, distance, and local soil conditions (source scaling and attenuation relations) or by means of mathematical modeling. At present, there is no doubt that these relations are different for different seismic regions. Therefore, so-called “region&site-specific” models should be developed on the basis of available strong ground motion records.